Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Help With Depression 3 -Only Drink in Moderation

      Alcohol is often drunk to help change our mood or to help relaxation. For some, it helps reduce fear and a feeling of loneliness but whatever the reason for consuming it, the effect is short-lived. After drinking you will feel worse due to the manner in which alcohol withdrawal symptoms affect the brain and the rest of the body. Alcohol is not an effective way to help deal with difficult feelings and emotions. Like any addiction, the more frequently you drink alcohol the more you need to produce the same short-term effect and the more your body and brain is damaged.
      However, occasional light drinking in moderation is perfectly healthy and enjoyable for the majority. The recommended daily limits are as follows and you would be wise to stick within these guidelines: -  Three to four units a day for men. In addition to alcohol, many people use nicotine and/or drugs to alter their mood but as with alcohol, the effect is very short lived and creates a craving for yet more. Neither of these solve the problems you need help with but rather create new ones to deal with.  
      Two to three units a day for women

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