Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Enhancing Leadership Skills

Enhancing Leadership Skills

Each and every organisation needs a leader and each person in that organisation is capable of leading in some way, shape or form. How do you see yourself in the following questions:

  • Are you influential enough?
  • Do the ways in which you exercise your influence reap the desired results?
  • What is the best way you can influence the young leaders in your organisation to develop into potential leaders?
  • Are you satisfied with the way your team looks up to you in times of crisis?

Leading others is a very influential exercise and the ability to influence others can be refined and strengthened in due course of time. The most basic way of beginning this is by understanding the basic core from where your power comes from. Once we recognise the core of our power, we can use it more efficiently and in a more comprehensive manner, enhancing the scope of our overall influence.

If you want to be a good leader, you must set up such examples that you yourself follow. Leadership traits tend to be developed with situations overtime so the more you focus and refine your leadership skills the better the results.

Leadership programmes and leadership coaches are experts at nurturing the leadership qualities in employees and the question that arises is, where do you start? How do you tap into the unrefined and untapped prowess in your young employees?

Start by seeking out and questioning executive and leadership coaches or enrol on a programme that will give you and your organisation the edge it deserves.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Leadership – Can Anyone Learn to Lead?

Leadership – Can Anyone Learn to Lead?

Isn’t leadership a quality which is inborn in every leader? Leadership is not an easy road to follow and involves a lot of hard work, however, if you are ready to leave behind your ego and past experiences at the door and want to make your organisation a better place, then leadership will embrace you with its arms wide open.

A leader is a person who has a gift for expressing his/her views, but has refined listening abilities. He/she is a person who is knowledgeable and trustworthy, although not all knowing. A leader sets examples and follows them precisely in a way in which they are supposed to be followed. Leadership qualities are in all of us and if we are willing to except a significant change, despite the hardships that follow then success as a leader will be inevitable. 

Have you ever wondered why some people attract followers and others don’t? Can the art of attracting followers be learned? A leader takes forward a team with him. He works for a team, being a part of that team. Teamwork sets up an environment which enables everyone associated with it to feel that they can be a part of something bigger and better.

Another major aspect of leadership is communication. Communication is a two way process involving both the leader and the team members. It is about creating awareness and achieving a common understanding. It is important for a leader to be a good orator but what is more important for a leader is to be able to listen to others. When you listen to people, you give them respect, and this gives you respect in return.

Leadership is an incessant journey. Once you understand the significance of leadership, you look for ways to build and improve teams with a common vision and values for achieving the organisational goals. And yes, you can do it too!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Leadership – People, Teams and Planning

Leadership – People, Teams and Planning

Leadership is intrinsic in nature and a leader knows that it is about the people, and not for themselves. It is about leading from the front. A leader believes in getting things done rather than suggesting what should be done. A leader not only finds the problems, but he also finds the solutions for those problems.

Leadership is an art and a growing science and a good leader needs to recognize and realize ways by which leadership can lead to improved employee participation. 

A leader enables his team to plan for success. A goal is impossible to reach unless it is backed up by a plan. Leadership is an ongoing process that makes you decide where you want to be in future. The role of a leader is to indoctrinate the planning and strategising attributes among his/her followers. Good leaders teach their team goal setting techniques, and how to nurture a strategic plan in order to reach the desired goals faster and in an efficient manner.

A leader establishes hope and motivation in his people. Leadership is not about just talking and telling people to do things. It is about going out and reaching out for the things and making sure the things turn your way. To be a leader you need to be compassionate about those around you.

Being a leader can be a very motivating job for the leader as well. If people look out for you in a crisis or any other situation, you are not only making a difference in their life, but it is your life which is getting motivated as well. If you give hope and faith to others, it is ultimately enhancing your own faith and hope. Come out and start leading the people around you and discover a change in your life as well!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Leadership Traits

Leadership Traits

  • What is leadership?
  • Is there a particular set of rules that define leadership?
  • How important is leadership to you?
  • Do you see yourself as a leader?
  • What according to you are the most basic traits of a leader?

These are a few of the questions every manager ponders over in his mind. The art of being a leader comes from within but what are the traits of a good leader?

  • A leader never waits for others to get his work done.
  • A leader strives to work so that it inspires his team in achieving the desired goals.
  • A leader leads by example
  • A leader is respected and admired
  • A leader is always pushing the boundaries of impossibility

Leadership is not a fancy term which you can conjure freely anytime at your discretion. Leadership has nothing to do with who you are. On the contrary, it is more inclined towards what you do.

A leader stands out from the crowd. Everything about him has uniqueness including the way he does his work, the way he speaks, and most importantly the way he takes control of things under crisis. A true leader is honest, compassionate, authentic and congruent in his actions.

Are you ready to be a leader?

Friday, 1 June 2012

Understanding and Embracing Leadership

Understanding and Embracing Leadership

Understanding the significance of leadership is the key to any business’s success, regardless of size. More than ever before businesses need to be contemplating the importance of leadership and asking the questions.

  • Why is leadership so significant?
  • What are the qualities of a good leader?
  • Can anyone be a leader?

We are all capable of leading. A leader could be anyone. It could be a manager or any executive or even a sole trader. A leader is someone who influences and inspires people in accomplishing organisational goals. A leader motivates others to find problems, seek solutions and shape decisions in a way that prove fruitful for the organisation. A leader is a person who visualizes a dream and strives hard for the achievement of that dream.

I have a simple question for you. Can you become a better leader for your organization?

All leader and successful people need a coach or a mentor. Try naming any top athlete or sporting personality that doesn’t have a coach, can you? We all require a leader who can show us the right way and the right coach can have a huge impact on the way we conduct our professional and personal lives. When leaders influence us in a positive way, we become excited and strive to enhance more of our involvement for the organisation.