Thursday, 10 February 2011

Help With Depression Part 8 - Get Involved, Make a Contribution

As well as voluntary work, as mentioned above, taking an active part in family life, with your friends, the community and in the workplace can really enhance your sense of belonging and give you purpose in your life. Rather than shrinking away from these activities, throw yourself into them with real enthusiasm, be the instigator or organizer and watch how you self-esteem and self-confidence grows.

For example, hold dinner parties or arrange a barbeque and invite everyone along. You will be surprised how your value grows within you and how you are valued by others. Overcome the fear of failure and do it anyway, the perception is always greater than the reality.

In the workplace, build your enthusiasm for projects and events by taking a lead part, grow your reputation amongst your peers and colleagues and revel in the involvement

Doing something positive will develop positive thoughts and help you to be mentally healthy. This will in turn, build your resilience to difficult times and stand you in good stead for maintaining a healthy balanced mind and body.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Help With Depression Part 7 - Care for Others

There will be times when people around you need help and support and someone to listen to their troubles. Helping others in their time of need can be very rewarding and uplifting for you and help you forget about your difficulties at the same time. Caring for others is part of developing and maintaining a close relationship you have with them, it can draw you closer together.
You can even extend the concept of caring for others by volunteering to work with charities or organizations helping those less fortunate. You will feel needed and valued for the work you do and will enhance your levels of self-worth and self-confidence. In addition, it will help you see that you are not the only one with needs and will add a new dimension to your world, one that will put everything into perspective.
Caring for others can include pets. Many people believe that looking after pets can improve your own mental wellbeing, can be fun and enjoyable. Most pet owners describe how they develop a strong bond between themselves and their pets, a bond that can cut the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Walking a dog, for example, will help you meet many new people with a similar interest and get you out of the house and provide that daily exercise.